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The Physiology of Health
a Canadian-focused health research project
1993 - present

Chief Public Health Officer's Reports on The State of Public Health in Canada, Growing Up Well – Priorities for a Healthy Future , 2009, Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Cancer Statistics, 2015, Special topic: Predictions of the future burden of cancer in Canada, Canadian Cancer Society’s Advisory Committee on Cancer Statistics, Toronto, ON: Canadian Cancer Society; May 2015, adapted June 2015, ISSN 0835-2976

Neil Stuart and Jim Adams, The Sustainability of Canada's Healthcare System: A Framework for Advancing the Debate, Healthcare Quarterly, 10(2) April 2007: 96-103.doi:10.12927/hcq.2007.18839, Longwoods Review

Andrew Rickard, Grim outlook for Canadian health care system, Nov. 23, 2015, Life and Health Insurance, The Insurance and Investment Journal

Heindel JJ, Vandenberg LN, Developmental origins of health and disease: a paradigm for understanding disease cause and prevention, Curr Opin Pediatr. 2015 Apr;27(2):248-53. doi: 10.1097/MOP.0000000000000191

A Performance Measurement Framework for the Canadian Health System, 2012, Canadian Institute for Health Information

Ben Berry, Health and Wellness Trends for Canada and the World, October 2011, The Government of Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada , The Canadian Consumer Behaviour, Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Food Products, May 2010, Statistics Canada

International Markets Bureau, Market Indicator Report, Socially Conscious Consumer Trends - Sustainability, November 2012

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada’s Organic Industry at a Glance, 2009, Date modified: 2013-09-26, Romina Code, Horticulture and Cross Sectoral Division, Markets and Industry Services Branch

Canadian organic production information and statistics: About Organic in Canada, Dalhousie University, Faculty of Agriculture

Canadian Organic Growers, Canada Organic Statistics 2011,  February 2015

Planning for a Sustainable Future: A Federal Sustainable Development Strategy for Canada, October 2010, Sustainable Development Office, Environment Canada

Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa, Public Health Agency of Canada, Risk Sciences International, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Correspondence: Deepa Rao, Institute of Population Health, Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada: Metabolic syndrome and chronic disease, February 2014, Volume 34 · Number 1, Public Health Agency of Canada 

Louise Gagnon, July 20, 2004, Medical error affects nearly 25% of Canadians, vol. 171 no. 2 doi: 10.1503/cmaj.1041037, CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal

G. Ross Baker, Peter G. Norton, Virginia Flintoft, Canadian Adverse Events Study, October 12, 2004, vol. 171 no. 8 doi: 10.1503/cmaj.1041120, CMAJ

Liane Craig, Sandra Koppert, November 1, 2012, A Prescription for Safer Care: Medication Reconciliation, CIHI

Accreditation Canada, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada, 2012, Medication Reconciliation in Canada: Raising The Bar

Statistics Canada, 2015-12-10, Leading causes of death, (Both sexes), Statistics Canada, CANSIM table 102-0561

Caryn Pearson, Teresa Janz, Jennifer Ali, 2012, Mental and substance use disorders in Canada, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-624-X

The Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey (CADUMS), Canadian Addiction Survey (CAS), Canadian Alcohol and Drug Use Monitoring Survey, 2012, Health Canada

Congenital Anomalies in Canada 2013, A Perinatal Health Surveillance Report, Public Health Agency of Canada, Ottawa, 2013

Rapoport, John; Jacobs, Philip; Bell, Neil R; Klarenbach, Scott, Refining the measurement of the economic burden of chronic diseases in Canada, 2004, Chronic Diseases in Canada, ProQuest, Volume 25, Number1

McNally, J Dayre; Matheson, Doug A; Bakowsky, Volodko S., The epidemiology of self-reported fibromyalagia in Canada, Chronic Diseases in Canada 27.1 (2006): 9-16, ProQuest

Annual Statistics Report, 2012-13, Manitoba Health Information Management, Manitoba Health

:: please visit ::

David W. Carley and Sarah S. Farabi, Physiology of Sleep, PMC, NCBI, Feb 29, 2016, PMCID: PMC4755451

Carla S. Möller-Levet, Simon N. Archer, Giselda Bucca, Emma E. Laing, Ana Slak, Renata Kabiljo, June C. Y. Lo, Nayantara Santhi, Malcolm von Schantz, Colin P. Smith and Derk-Jan Dijk, Effects of insufficient sleep on circadian rhythmicity and expression amplitude of the human blood transcriptome, PNAS February 25, 2013. 201217154; published ahead of print February 25, 2013.

Charles M. Morin, Mélanie LeBlanc, Lynda Bélanger, Hans Ivers, Chantal Mérette, Sleep disorders affect 40 percent of Canadians, September 8, 2011,
Université Laval, ScienceDaily 

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research; Colten HR, Altevogt BM, editors, Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem., 2006, Sleep Physiology, Chapter 2, National Academies Press (US)

Meir Kryger, MD and Phyllis Zee, MD, Sleep-Wake Cycle: Its Physiology and Impact on Health, 2006, The National Sleep Foundation (NSF)

Bradley Bush, ND, and Tori Hudson, ND, The Role of Cortisol in Sleep: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis interacts with sleep in multiple ways. This article reviews the effects of the HPA axis on sleep and the converse. June 2010, Volume 2 Issue 6, Natural Medicine Journal

What is the Impact of Sleep Apnea on Canadians? 2009 Canadian Community Health Survey-Sleep Apnea Rapid Response, Public Health Agency of Canada, HP35-19/1-2010E-PDF ISBN: 978-1-100-17359-7

Sunil Sharma, Mani Kavuru, Sleep and Metabolism: An Overview, 2010, International Journal of Endocrinology PMC2929498, The National Center for Biotechnology Information

Barry M. Popkin, Kristen E. D’Anci, and Irwin H. Rosenberg, TA Wehr, In short photoperiods, human sleep is biphasic., 1992, NCBI, US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health,  Jun:1(2):103-107

Katharina Wulff, Silvia Gatti, Joseph G. Wettstein & Russell G. Foster, Sleep and circadian rhythm disruption in psychiatric and neurodegenerative disease, August 2010 Nature Reviews: Neuroscience 11, 589-599, doi:10.1038/nrn2868

Davide Gnocchi, Matteo Pedrelli, Eva Hurt-Camejo, Paolo Parini , Lipids around the Clock: Focus on Circadian Rhythms and Lipid Metabolism, 5 February 2015, Biology 2015, 4(1), 104-132; doi:10.3390/biology4010104, MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)

Hogenkamp, Pleunie; Nilsson, Emil; VC, Nilsson; Chapman, Colin; Vogel, Heike; LS, Lundberg; Zarei, Sana; Cedernaes, Jonathan; Rångtell, Frida; Broman, Jan-Erik; Dickson, Suzanne; JM, Brunstorm; Benedict, Christian; HB, Schiöth, Acute sleep deprivation increases portion size and affects food choice in young men, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2013

Guang Yang, Cora Sau Wan Lai, Joseph Cichon, Lei Ma, Wei Li, Wen-Biao Gan, Sleep promotes branch-specific formation of dendritic spines after learning, Science  06 Jun 2014: Vol. 344, Issue 6188, pp. 1173-1178, DOI: 10.1126/science.1249098

How Sleep Clears the Brain, National Institutes of Health, October 28, 2013

Xie L, Kang H, Xu Q, Chen MJ, Liao Y, Thiyagarajan M, O'Donnell J, Christensen DJ, Nicholson C, Iliff JJ, Takano T, Deane R, Nedergaard M., Sleep drives metabolite clearance from the adult brain, Science. 2013 Oct 18;342(6156):373-7. doi: 10.1126/science.1241224., PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3880190.

Thomas Brinker, Edward Stopa, John Morrison, and Petra Klinge, A new look at cerebrospinal fluid circulation, National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Fluids Barriers CNS. 2014; 11: 10, Published online 2014 May 1,  doi:  10.1186/2045-8118-11-10, Biomed Central, v.11; 2014PMC4016637

NIH Eunice Kennedy Shriver National institute of Child and Human Development, What happens during sleep? Sleep Condition Information, Last Reviewed Date12/1/2016

Sid Kouider, Thomas Andrillon, Leonardo S.Barbosa, Louise Goupil, Tristan A.Bekinschtein,  Inducing Task-Relevant Responses to Speech in the Sleeping Brain, Science Direct, Current Biology, Volume 24, Issue 18, 22 September 2014,

Statistics Canada Health Report, Jean-Philippe Chaput, Suzy L. Wong and Isabelle Michaud, Duration and quality of sleep among Canadians aged 18 to 79, September 20, 2017

Russel J Reiter, Juan C Mayo, Dun-Xian Tan, Rosa M Sainz, Moises Alatorre-Jimenez, Lilian Qin, Melatonin as an antioxidant: under promises but over delivers, 2016, National Library of Medicine, PMID: 27500468 DOI: 10.1111/jpi.12360

No. 2. Digestive Health

Klok, M. D., Jakobsdottir, S. and Drent, M. L. (2007), The role of leptin and ghrelin in the regulation of food intake and body weight in humans: a review. Obesity Reviews, 8: 21–34. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2006.00270.x

Establishing Digestive Health as a Priority for Canadians, 2009, The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, National Digestive Disorders Prevalence & Impact Study Report, Canadian Association of Gastroenterology

Kristjan R. Jessen & Rhona Mirsky, Glial cells in the enteric nervous system contain glial fibrillary acidic protein, 14 August 1980, Nature volume 286, pages 736–737

Guarner F., Enteric Flora in Health and Disease, Digestion, 2006;73:5–12,

Falk PG, Hooper, Midtvedt T, Gordon: Creating and maintaining the gastrointestinal ecosystem: what we know and need to know from gnotobiology, 2006, Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 1998;62:1157–1170

Suau A, Bonnet R, Sutren M, Godon JJ, Gibson G, Collins MD, Dore J: Direct rDNA community analysis reveals a myriad of novel bacterial lineages within the human gut, Appl Environ Microbiol 1999;65:4799–4807

Kristina Campbell,l 1 JUL 2016, New data on the link between gut bacteria, melatonin, and the circadian clock, Gut Brain Axis, Gut Microbiota, Mood & Wellbeing, Research & Practice

Jiffin K. Paulose, John M. Wright, Akruti G Patel, Vincent M. Cassone, Published: January 11, 2016,  Human Gut Bacteria Are Sensitive to Melatonin and Express Endogenous Circadian Rhythmicity,

Stanly B. Williams, Ioannis Vakonakis, Susan S. Golden, and Andy C. LiWang, Structure and function from the circadian clock protein KaiA of Synechococcus elongatus: A potential clock input mechanism, November 26, 2002, number 24, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (99, 15357–15362

Thomas C.G. Bosch and Margaret J. McFall-Ngai: Metaorganisms as the new frontier, 2011 Jul 6. doi:  10.1016/j.zool.2011.04.001

Understanding Statistics on Eating Disorders, 2002, NEDIC National Eating Disorders Information Centre

Tahany Gadallaa, Niva Piran, Eating Disorders and Substance Abuse in Canadian Men and Women: A National Study, 2007, Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention, Volume 15, Issue 3, pages 189-203, Taylor & Francis GroupGlial cells in the enteric nervous system contain glial fibrillary acidic protein

Jesse Bertinato, Kuan Chiao Wang, Stephen Hayward, Serum Magnesium Concentrations in the Canadian Population and Associations with Diabetes, Glycemic Regulation, and Insulin ResistanceNutrients. 2017 Mar; 9(3): 296.
Published online 2017 Mar 17. doi:  10.3390/nu9030296, PMCID: PMC5372959
PMID: 28304338

Do Canadian Adults Meet Their Nutrient Requirements Through Food Intake Alone?, Health Canada, 2012, Cat. No.: H164-112/3-2012E-PDF, ISBN: 978-1-100-20026-2

Holmes AJ1, Chew, Colakoglu, Cliff JB, Eline Klaassens , Read MN, Solon-Biet SM, McMahon AC, Cogger VC, Ruohonen K, Raubenheimer D, Le Couteur DG, Simpson SJ: Diet-Microbiome Interactions in Health Are Controlled by Intestinal Nitrogen Source ConstraintsCell Metab. 2017 Jan 10;25(1):140-151. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2016.10.021. Epub 2016 Nov 23., PMID: 27889387 

Krautkramer KA, Kreznar JH, Romano KA, Vivas EI, Barrett-Wilt GA, Rabaglia ME, Keller MP, Attie AD, Rey FE, Denu JM: Diet-Microbiota Interactions Mediate Global Epigenetic Programming in Multiple Host Tissues, Mol Cell. 2016 Dec 1;64(5):982-992. Epub 2016 Nov 23., PMID: 27889451 PMCID: PMC5227652 

Kok-Sun Ho, Charmaine You Mei Tan, Muhd Ashik Mohd Daud, and Francis Seow-Choen, Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptomsWorld J Gastroenterol. 2012 Sep 7; 18(33): 4593–4596., Published online 2012 Sep 7. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i33.4593, PMCID: PMC3435786, PMID: 22969234

No. 3. Hydration

Jequier E, Constant F. Water as an essential nutrient: the physiological basis of hydration. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2010;64:115–123, PubMed

Barry M. Popkin, Kristen E. D’Anci, Irwin H. Rosenberg, Water, Hydration and Health, 2011 Aug 1, NCBI, PMC US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

Stookey JD, Purser JL, Pieper CF, Cohen HJ, Plasma hypertonicity: another marker of frailty?, 2004 Aug;52(8):1313-20, PubMed

Josef Tyls, PhD, Are You Chronically Dehydrated?, January 1, 2005, Updated: Apr 24, 2015, Alive

Lanuke K, Fainsinger RL, DeMoissac D., Hydration management at the end of life., 2004 Apr; Journal of Palliative Medicine, 7(2):257-63 PubMed, NCBI

No. 4. Physical Activity

Robert R Wolfe, University of Texas Medical Branch, Department of Surgery and Shriners Burns Hospital, Metabolism Unit, Galveston, TX, 2006 American Society for Clinical Nutrition, The Underappreciated Role of Muscle in Health and Disease, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Jean-Michel Billette and Teresa Janz, Injuries in Canada: Insights from the Canadian Community Health Survey, Date modified: 2015-11-27, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 82-624-X

SMARTRISK. The economic burden of injury in Canada. SMARTRISK, Toronto, 2009 

Canadian Institute for Health Information, Surgical Volume Trends, Within and Beyond Wait Time Priority Areas, 2008, Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information
Canadian Institute for Health Information. Hip and Knee Replacements in Canada, 2007, Annual Report, Ottawa: Canadian Institute for Health Information

Canadian Institute for Health Information, Joint replacements in Canada: More patients, more surgeries, less time in hospital, Canadian Joint Replacement Registry 2015 Annual Report, September 2015

Stephan Blumenthal, M.D.; Marco Nadig, M.D.; Christian Gerber, M.D.; Alain Borgeat, M.D., Severe Airway Obstruction during Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery, December 2003, Anesthesiology 12 2003, Vol.99, 1455-1456. doi:, ASA Publications

M.D. Stephen S. Burkhart, M.D. Wesley M. Nottage, M.D. Darrell J. Ogilvie-Harris, M.D. Harvey S. Kohn, M.D. Anthony Pachelli, Partial repair of irreparable rotator cuff tears, August 1994, Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery, Volume 10, Issue 4, Pages 363-370, ScienceDirect

A.M. Wiley, M.Ch., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.(C), Arthroscopic appearance of frozen shoulder, Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery
Volume 7, Issue 2, June 1991, Pages 138-143

Leonardo Barbosa Barreto de Brito, Djalma Rabelo Ricardo, Denise Sardinha Mendes Soares de Araújo, Plínio Santos Ramos, Jonathan Myers, Claudio Gil Soares de Araújo, Ability to sit and rise from the floor as a predictor of all-cause mortality, 2012, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2047487312471759, SAGE Journals

Directly measured physical activity of adults, 2012 and 2013, Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), Statistics Canada, 82-625-X

BRAD J. SCHOENFELD, Global Fitness Services, THE MECHANISMS OF MUSCLE HYPERTROPHY AND THEIR APPLICATION TO RESISTANCE TRAINING, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association, VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 10 | OCTOBER 2010

Morgan JE, Partridge TA, Muscle satellite cells, Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2003, Aug;35(8):1151-6

Chargé SB, Rudnicki MA., Cellular and molecular regulation of muscle regeneration, Physiol Rev. 2004 Jan;84(1):209-38, PMID: 14715915 DOI:10.1152/physrev.00019.2003

Bryon R. McKay  Kyle G. Toth  Mark A. Tarnopolsky  Gianni Parise, Satellite cell number and cell cycle kinetics in response to acute myotrauma in humans: immunohistochemistry versus flow cytometry, 31 August 2010

Espen E. Spangenburg  Derek Le Roith  Chris W. Ward  Sue C. Bodine, A functional insulin‐like growth factor receptor is not necessary for load‐induced skeletal muscle hypertrophy, 02 January 2008

Martin Flueck, and Geoffrey Goldspink POINT:COUNTERPOINT: IGF [Insulin-like growth factor I (somatomedin C or mature IGF-I)] is/is not the major physiological regulator of muscle mass, 1 JUN, 2010 Team:, The Microtrauma Muscle Growth Theory, Jan 2017

Jason Brumitt, PT, PhD, ATC, CSCS,  and Tyler Cuddeford, PT, PhD, CURRENT CONCEPTS OF MUSCLE AND TENDON ADAPTATION TO STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING, Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2015 Nov; 10(6): 748–759, PMCID: PMC4637912

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Boivin, Alexander C., The Effects of Resistance Training Frequency On Muscle Hypertrophy And Strength In Healthy Trained Individuals: Literature Review (2016). Honors in the Major Theses. 109,

No. 5. Breathing

Life and Breath: Respiratory Disease in Canada (2007), Public Health Agency of Canada Report

Exploring Self-Awareness Levels of Major Lung Disease Risk Factors Among Canadians Most at Risk, October 2010, The Lung Association

Richard T. Burnett, Jeffrey R. Brook, Wesley T. Yung, Robert E. Dales, Daniel Krewski , Association between Ozone and Hospitalization for Respiratory Diseases in 16 Canadian Cities, January 1997, Elsevier, Environmental Research, Volume 72, Issue 1, Pages 24-31, ScienceDirect

David R. Boyda, Stephen J. Genuis, The environmental burden of disease in Canada: Respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and congenital affliction, February 2008, Elsevier, Environmental Research, Volume 106, Issue 2, Pages 240–249, ScienceDirect

Jeffrey C. Kwong, Michael A. Campitelli, Laura C. Rosella, Obesity and Respiratory Hospitalizations During Influenza Seasons in Ontario, Canada: A Cohort Study, 2011, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 53, Issue 5, Pp. 413-421, Oxford University Press

Yue Chen, MD, PhD, Robert Dales MD, MSc, Mei Lin MD, MSc, The Epidemiology of Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Canadians, July 2003, The Laryngoscope, Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1097/00005537-200307000-00016

Al-Rahim R. Habib MSc, Amin R. Javer MD, Jane A. Buxton MBBS, MHSc, A population-based study investigating chronic rhinosinusitis and the incidence of asthma, 21 December 2015, The Laryngoscope, Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/lary.25831

Gary P Anderson, Endotyping asthma: new insights into key pathogenic mechanisms in a complex, heterogeneous disease, Lancet 2008; 372: 1107–19, Lung Disease Research Group, Departments of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Melbourne

Ingrid Eftedal, Arnar Flatberg, Ivan Drvis, and Zeljko Dujic, Immune and inflammatory responses to freediving calculated from leukocyte gene expression profiles, 01 NOV 2016,

Ravinder Jerath , John W. Edry, Vernon A. Barnes, Vandna Jerath, Physiology of long pranayamic breathing: Neural respiratory elements may provide a mechanism that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the autonomic nervous system, 23 February 2006,

M. Vitacca, E. Clini, L. Bianchi, N. Ambrosino, Acute effects of deep diaphragmatic breathing in COPD patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency, 1998, European Respiratory Journal, DOI: 10.1183/09031936.98.11020408

Marc A. Russo, Danielle M. Santarelli, Dean O’Rourke, The physiological effects of slow breathing in the healthy human, Breathe (Sheff). 2017 Dec; 13(4): 298–309, 
doi: 10.1183/20734735.009817, PMCID: PMC5709795, PMID: 29209423

CHRISTINE RECINTO, THEODORE EFTHEMEOU, P. TONY BOFFELLI, and JAMES W. NAVALTA, Effects of Nasal or Oral Breathing on Anaerobic Power Output and Metabolic ResponsesInt J Exerc Sci. 2017; 10(4): 506–514, 2017 Jul 1, PMCID: PMC5466403, PMID: 28674596

Lacomb, Chase Ovila Platt, Oral vs. Nasal Breathing during Submaximal Aerobic Exercise (2015). UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones., 2372,

Lundberg JO, Nitric oxide and the paranasal sinuses2008 Nov;291(11):1479-84. doi: 10.1002/ar.20782, NCBI, PMID: 18951492 DOI: 10.1002/ar.20782

Roni Kahana-Zweig, Maya Geva-Sagiv, Aharon Weissbrod, Lavi Secundo, Nachum Soroker, Noam Sobel, Measuring and Characterizing the Human Nasal Cycle, PLoS One. 2016; 11(10): e0162918.
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Gopal Krushna Pal, Ankit Agarwal, Shanmugavel Karthik, Pravati Pal, Nivedita Nanda, Slow Yogic Breathing Through Right and Left Nostril Influences Sympathovagal Balance, Heart Rate Variability, and Cardiovascular Risks in Young Adults, N Am J Med Sci. 2014 Mar; 6(3): 145–151, doi: 10.4103/1947-2714.128477, PMCID: PMC3978938, PMID: 24741554

Mohamad Chaaban, Jacquelynne P. Corey, Assessing Nasal Air Flow, Options and Utility, ATS Journals,  June 15, 2010,

Elangovan Muthu Kumaran, Alteration in Nasal Cycle Rhythm as an Index of the Diseased Condition, IntechOpen, December 20th 2017, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.70599

D D Rasmussen, Physiological interactions of the basic rest--activity cycle of the brain: pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion as a model, Psychoneuroendocrinology
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No. 6. Positive Mental Attitude

Ulrike Bingel, Vishvarani Wanigasekera, Katja Wiech, Roisin Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Michael C. Lee, Markus Ploner, Irene Tracey, The Effect of Treatment Expectation on Drug Efficacy: Imaging the Analgesic Benefit of the Opioid Remifentanil, Science Translational Medicine, 16 Feb 2011: Vol. 3, Issue 70, pp. 70ra14, 
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BARBARA L. FREDRICKSON, HAPPY PEOPLE BECOME HAPPIER THROUGH KINDNESS: A COUNTING KINDNESSES INTERVENTION, J Happiness Stud. 2006 Sep; 7(3): 361–375., doi:  10.1007/s10902-005-3650-z, PMCID: PMC1820947, NIHMSID: NIHMS13827, PMID: 17356687

Nancy Frasure-Smith, PhD; François Lespérance, Jan 2008,  Depression and Anxiety as Predictors of 2-Year Cardiac Events in Patients With Stable Coronary Artery Disease, Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008;65(1):62-71, doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry 2007.4

Charles L. Raison, Lucile Capuron, Andrew H. Mille, Cytokines sing the blues: inflammation and the pathogenesis of depression, Trends in Immunology, Volume 27, Issue 1, p24–31, January 2006, DOI:

Pratt LA, Ford DE, Crum RM, Armenian HK, Gallo JJ, Eaton WW., Depression, psychotropic medication, and risk of myocardial infarction, 1996 Dec 15;94(12):3123-9, NCBI, PMID: 8989119

Andrew Steptoe  Katie O'Donnell  Ellena Badrick  Meena Kumari  Michael Marmot, Neuroendocrine and Inflammatory Factors Associated with Positive Affect in Healthy Men and Women: The Whitehall II Study, American Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 167, Issue 1, 1 January 2008, Pages 96–102,, Published: 04 October 2007

Yoshino S, Fujimori J, Kohda M., Effects of mirthful laughter on neuroendocrine and immune systems in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, J Rheumatol. 1996 Apr;23(4):793-4, NCBI PMID: 8730156

Bharat B.Aggarwal, Shishir Shishodia, Santosh K. Sandura, Manoj K.Pandeya, Gautam Sethi, Cytokines and depression: an analogic approach, Biochemical Pharmacology, Volume 72, Issue 11, 30 November 2006,

Cole SW, Hawkley LC, Arevalo JM, Sung CY, Rose RM, Cacioppo JT, Social regulation of gene expression in human leukocytes, Genome Biol. 2007;8(9):R189, PMID: 17854483 PMCID: PMC2375027 DOI: 10.1186/gb-2007-8-9-r189

Michael H. Antoni, Susan K. Lutgendorf, Bonnie Blomberg, Charles S. Carver, Suzanne Lechner, Alain Diaz, Jamie Stagl, Jesusa M.G. Arevalo, Steven W. Cole, Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Reverses Anxiety-Related Leukocyte Transcriptional DynamicsDOI:, Biological Psychiatry, February 15, 2012Volume 71, Issue 4, Pages 366–372

Ryan RM, On happiness and human potentials: a review of research on hedonic and eudaimonic well-beingAnnu Rev Psychol. 2001;52:141-66, PMID: 11148302 DOI: 10.1146/annurev.psych.52.1.141

No. 7. Sweating

Margaret E. Sears, Kathleen J. Kerr, and Riina I. Bray, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in Sweat: A Systematic Review, Journal of Environmental and Public Health, vol. 2012, Article ID 184745, 10 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/184745

Nathan B. Morris, Matthew N. Cramer, Simon G. Hodder, George Havenith, Ollie Jay, A comparison between the technical absorbent and ventilated capsule methods for measuring local sweat rate, Journal of Applied Physiology Published 15 March 2013 Vol. 114 no. 6, 816-823 DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01088.2012

Paul Quinton, Laura Molyneux, Wan Ip, Annie Dupuis, Julie Avolio, Elizabeth Tullis, Douglas Conrad, A. K. Shamsuddin, Peter Durie, and Tanja Gonsk, β-Adrenergic Sweat Secretion as a Diagnostic Test for Cystic Fibrosis, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 186, No. 8 (2012), pp. 732-739

Laukkanen T, Khan H, Zaccardi F, Laukkanen JA, Association between sauna bathing and fatal cardiovascular and all-cause mortality eventsJAMA Intern Med. 2015 Apr;175(4):542-8. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.8187

TANJANIINA LAUKKANEN, SETOR KUNUTSOR, JUSSI KAUHANEN, JARI ANTERO LAUKKANEN, Sauna bathing is inversely associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in middle-aged Finnish men, Age and Ageing 2016; 0: 1–5 © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afw212

Joy Hussain and Marc Cohen, Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A Systematic Review, Hindawi, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2018, Article ID 1857413,

Luetkemeier MJ, Hanisko JM, Aho KM, Skin Tattoos Alter Sweat Rate and Na+ ConcentrationMed Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Jul;49(7):1432-1436. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001244, PMID: 28240705 

Tomoko Ichinose‐Kuwahara  Yoshimitsu Inoue  Yoshiko Iseki  Sachi Hara  Yukio Ogura  Narihiko Kondo, Sex differences in the effects of physical training on sweat gland responses during a graded exercise02 September 2010,

Sean R. Notley  Joonhee Park  Kyoko Tagami  Norikazu Ohnishi  Nigel A. S. Taylor, Variations in body morphology explain sex differences in thermoeffector function during compensable heat stress, 23 February 2017, Experimental Physiology Journal, The Physiological Society

University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, Certain characteristics predispose women to different hot flash, night sweat patternsJuly 13, 2016, ScienceDaily

No. 8. Sunlight

M. Nathaniel Mead, Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human HealthEnvironmental Health Perspectives, 2008 Apr; 116(4): A160–A167, PMCID: PMC2290997, PMID: 18414615

Shia T Kent, Leslie A McClure, William L Crosson, Donna K Arnett Virginia G Wadley, Nalini Sathiakumar, Effect of sunlight exposure on cognitive function among depressed and non-depressed participants: a REGARDS cross-sectional study, Environ Health. 2009;  Jul 28, 8: 34,  doi:  10.1186/1476-069X-8-34, PMCID: PMC2728098, PMID: 19638195

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