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Part Three
Food or Supplement?
To Salt or Not To Salt? That is The Question.
Soluble and Insoluble Fibre
Acid-Alkaline pH Balance
Healthy Carbohydrates
Healthy Fats
Essential Fatty Acids
Antioxidant Phenolic Phytochemicals
Power/ Healing Foods
To Salt or Not To Salt? That is The Question.
Soluble and Insoluble Fibre
Acid-Alkaline pH Balance
Healthy Carbohydrates
Healthy Fats
Essential Fatty Acids
Antioxidant Phenolic Phytochemicals
Power/ Healing Foods
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Food or Supplement?
you get more than nutrition from food
Naturally occurring nutrients in foods are more compatible with your body and more readily absorbed than their supplement counterparts. If you eat a well-balanced diet of whole, healthy plant foods, you will get the nutrients you need for good health. Whole foods are composed of many ingredients needed for digestion, metabolization, and assimilation.
Taking supplements increase the risks of overdose, toxicity, interactions with other supplements and medications, adverse side effects, and the ingestion of synthetic as well as unregulated and dangerous ingredients, added fillers and sugars. Supplements are not a replacement for food and nutrition.
Taking supplements increase the risks of overdose, toxicity, interactions with other supplements and medications, adverse side effects, and the ingestion of synthetic as well as unregulated and dangerous ingredients, added fillers and sugars. Supplements are not a replacement for food and nutrition.
You can get disease fighting, health promoting antioxidants from vitamins, but you may be missing out on other nutrients that could strengthen the immune system and ingredients like soluble and insoluble fibre which you need for digestive health and optimal nutrient absorption and bio assimilation. Whole foods contain many different components that work together.
To Salt or Not To Salt?
That is the question.
Saltworks by Motoi Yamamoto
Salt helps maintain the fluid in our blood cells and is used to transmit information in our nerves and muscles. It is also used in the uptake of certain nutrients from our small intestines. The body cannot make salt and so we are reliant on food to ensure that we get the required intake. Every cell in our body needs salt and our body relies on salt to aid in healthy bone density, proper circulation, stabilized blood sugar levels, and to supply the mineral electrolytes for hydration.
What Is In Table Salt?
The main ingredient of iodized salt is sodium chloride, which is linked with hypertension (high blood pressure) and other medical disorders. Sodium chloride is acutely toxic in large amounts and could cause poisoning.
Table salt is a manufactured form of sodium called sodium chloride. While similar to naturally occurring rock, crystal, or sea salt, table salt merely mimics the taste of these elements. Table salt is created by taking natural salt (or crude oil flake leftovers) and cooking it at 1200° Fahrenheit. Once the unprocessed salt is heated up to this temperature, it starts to lose the majority of the eighty important elements in naturally-harvested earth or sea salt.
Commonly purchased iodized salts have synthetic chemicals added to them. These chemicals include manufactured forms of sodium, iodide, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, toxic amounts of potassium iodide and aluminum derivatives.
Commonly purchased iodized salts have synthetic chemicals added to them. These chemicals include manufactured forms of sodium, iodide, sodium bicarbonate, fluoride, anti-caking agents, toxic amounts of potassium iodide and aluminum derivatives.
The natural forms of important iodine are lost when salt is manufactured. Without this natural iodine, the thyroid is adversely affected, leading to growth and metabolism issues. Because of this, the chemical-based salt industry began to add synthetic forms of iodine to their products.
Other additives in salt can include processed white sugar and toxic MSG (mono-sodium-glutamate). Table salt is bleached using harmful chemicals. And where does this salt come from? Much of it is the actual flaky residue, a by-product of oil digging. Crude oil extract is used to produce much of table salt commonly consumed.
Table salt causes blood pressure to rise rapidly because the blood is attempting to rapidly move the toxic elements away from the heart. Excessive ingestion of table salt causes unhealthy fluid retention.
Many chronic imbalances such as diabetes, gout and obesity can be worsened or even partially caused by excessive intake of common table salt; kidney, thyroid and liver problems, the development of goiters, edema, hypertension, heart disease, strained elimination systems, muscle cramps, gout, stroke, heart failure, PMS, and even major nervous system disorders such as anxiety and depression are affected as well. Table salt is harmful to the circulatory, lymph and nervous systems. Processed salt is also highly addictive.
Hidden Salt
The sodium content listed on food packaging is misleading. The amount of salt in processed foods can be 2.5 times greater than the value quoted. Salt is added to food for many reasons including:
- Seasoning to enhance the taste of food and make bland food such as bread and pasta palatable
- Preservatives Even with the advent of refrigeration salt still plays a part in food hygiene
- Binding agent in processed meats
- Colour controller makes food more attractive for us by, for example, enhancing the golden crust of a loaf of bread
- Texture aid improves tenderness in meat and gives an even consistency in cheese
- Fermentation control makes a consistent product and reduces opportunity for harmful bacteria
It is the excessive consumption of processed foods containing high amounts of processed salt and the long term neglect of basic healthy habits that is questionable.
Harvesting Celtic Sea Salt
Naturally Harvested Earth and Sea Salts
Naturally occurring forms of sodium, including sea salts and Himalayan salts, are harvested and dried in the sun. Natural salts are actually alkaline minerals that help keep us hydrated, balance our sodium-potassium ratios, as well as fill the body with powerful electrolytes. They also contain all of the trace elements needed for proper immune, thyroid and adrenal function.
Naturally harvested salt also boosts the creation of digestive enzymes and juices that allow us to extract and assimilate other vitamins and nutrients from the food we eat.
The chemical composition of sea salt is typically the same as the ions dissolved in seawater. The composition by dry weight percent includes:
- sodium: 30.8
- potassium: 1.1
- magnesium: 3.7
- calcium: 1.2
- chloride: 55.5
- sulfate: 7.7.
Himalayan crystal salt contains all 84 of the natural elements of the human body, the very same elements originally found existing in the primal sea. The Health Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt
Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of salt/sodium is 2.3g of sodium, or 5.75g of salt for adults (to calculate the amount of salt from sodium you should multiply by 2.5), 1 gram for a baby under 12 months old and between 2-6 grams of salt for a child up until their 11th birthday.
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of salt/sodium is 2.3g of sodium, or 5.75g of salt for adults (to calculate the amount of salt from sodium you should multiply by 2.5), 1 gram for a baby under 12 months old and between 2-6 grams of salt for a child up until their 11th birthday.
Fibre is a necessary and important part of a healthy digestive system. Dietary fibre is the indigestible portion of plant foods. There are two types of fibre: soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. The recommended consumption ratio is 75% insoluble to 25% soluble in our diet.
A whole food, natural diet that is high in fibre also reduces the risk of gastrointestinal disorders and eases constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, including irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease, and diverticulitis.
Soluble fibre (
The fermentation of soluble fibre by friendly bacterial flora in the large intestine creates short-chain fatty acids, which lower colon pH (raises the acidity level); protects the colon from the formation of colonic polyps, increases mineral absorption, stimulates T helper cells, antibodies, leukocytes and cytokines. Short-chain fatty acids formed from soluble fibre also aid lymphatic mechanisms for immune protection, improved colon tissue barrier and inhibits inflammation and adhesions in the large intestine. Soluble fibre can be found in vegetables and fresh fruit.
Insoluble fibre absorbs water, but does not change in the body; it is metabolically inert. Insoluble fibre softens stools, shortens the transit of food through the digestive system and facilitates ease and regularity, alleviates constipation, balances intestinal pH, stimulates friendly bacterial flora and the fermentation process in the large intestine, produces short-chain fatty acids and reduces the risk of colon cancer. Insoluble fibre can be found in beans and legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
A daily 2000 calorie diet should have a minimum of 25-35 grams of fibre (for children add 5g to their age to determine daily requirements), with a ratio of 75% insoluble to 25% soluble. The Canadian average is 11-16g. Calories measure available energy from food to be used immediately or converted for short term storage as sugar or long term storage as fat. Energy is extracted from food only when the chemical structure of food is changed and fibre is required for this process. The body does not absorb energy from insoluble fibre (0 calories). There is approximately 2-4 calories in 1 gram of soluble fibre. When you are reading a food label look for a minimum of 3 grams of fibre.
Fibre supplements are almost all soluble fibre with some brands containing synthetic insoluble fibre. They are high in refined sugar or artificial sweeteners. Psyllium seed husks found in many fibre supplements can cause allergic reactions. Gastrointestinal obstructions can occur without the adequate amount of water intake. I recommend acacia fibre if you need to take a supplement.
When food is digested or burned, it produces an ash, which can be an acidic, neutral or an alkaline residue (when diluted in water), depending on the mineral content of calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and copper. pH is a measure of the acidity of a solution. Pure water is said to be neutral with a pH close to 7.0 at 25 degrees Celsius (77 Fahrenheit). A pH less than 7 is acidic; greater than 7 is alkaline. A minimum of 7.35 - 7.45 pH is the recommended level of alkalinity of the blood without stressing the body's regulators of homeostasis. This creates an environment for the body to function normally and to sustain health, to resist disease and for healing and faster recovery. Acidosis occurs when there is too much acidity in the body tissues and creates an environment for inflammation, chronic pain, arthritis and disease.
A healthy diet should have a 4 to 1 ratio of alkaline to acidic food or be 80% alkaline, 20% acidic.
Alkaline Foods: vegetables, fruit, beans are the best
Acidic Foods: meat, seafood, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs, peanuts, grains (mild), nuts (mild), rice (mild), lentils (mild) and sugar
To test your pH, saliva and urine can be used. pH test papers can be found at drug and health stores. To test saliva, do not eat, drink or brush your teeth 30 minutes before the test . Put the saliva sample on a spoon or dish and dip the paper into saliva . Saliva is usually less acidic than blood yet it mirrors the blood.
After eating the pH of saliva should rise to 7.8 or higher or alkaline mineral deficiencies (mainly calcium and magnesium) are indicated and food nutrients will not be properly assimilated. Urine indicates how the body is working to regulate theproper pH balance of blood through the buffer salts and hormones via the kidneys, adrenals, lungs and gonads. The urine test gives an accurate picture of body chemistry. 6.5 - 7+ is ideal; pH tends to be lower in the morning and higher in the evening. Readings should be taken 3x/day for overall accuracy.
After eating the pH of saliva should rise to 7.8 or higher or alkaline mineral deficiencies (mainly calcium and magnesium) are indicated and food nutrients will not be properly assimilated. Urine indicates how the body is working to regulate the
Readings can be affected by:
Preservatives that you eatPollutants that you breatheStress Water intakeFood that you eatMinerals , vitaminsPathogens Sleep Biochemical activityDrugs Synthetic chemicals
Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for improving intestinal microbial balance, inhibiting pathogens (infectious agent/germ: can be bacterial, viral, fungal or parasites), toxins, and harmful bacteria production to maintain a disease-free digestive system.
Probiotics alleviate chronic intestinal inflammation, prevent and treat diarrhea, urogenital infection and atopic diseases (allergic hypersensitivity affecting parts of the body not in direct contact with the allergen
Food sources of probiotics include:
Probiotics help lactose intolerance, improve mineral absorption, prevent colon cancer, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and improves immune system health. Antibiotics turn the immune system off - probiotics put the immune system in idle, ready to react quickly to infections.
- unpasteurized fermented foods
- sauerkraut
- kombucha
- water kefir
- milk kefir
- kimchee
- miso
- buttermilk
- unpasteurized pickled vegetables
- tempeh
- natto
- lassi
- olives
- soy sauce
Probiotics help lactose intolerance, improve mineral absorption, prevent colon cancer, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and improves immune system health. Antibiotics turn the immune system off - probiotics put the immune system in idle, ready to react quickly to infections.
Healthy Intestinal Flora
(bacteria )
Healthy Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are an essential part of a high fiber, natural, whole food diet. Healthy carbohydrate sugars are absorbed slower and help to stabilize blood sugar levels and supply a sustained source of energy and nutrition for body and brain functions. Healthy carbohydrates help weight loss, lower cholesterol, prevent constipation, help to detoxify the body and to keep the body disease-free. The best food sources of healthy carbohydrates are raw or lightly cooked vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, raw fresh fruit and low fat dairy.
Unhealthy carbohydrates cause radical fluctuations in blood sugar levels and do not supply sustained energy. It is recommended that you eliminate or reduce your intake of unhealthy carbohydrates. This includes refined and processed food that is high in sugar and low in fiber, such as refined cereals, grains, rice and pasta, refined and processed cakes, pastries, cookies, soda drinks, candy, and fruit juice.
High GI: 70 and above
Medium GI: 56 - 69
Low GI: 55 and under
Healthy Fats and Oils
Healthy fats are an essential part of a natural, whole food diet. It is the type of fat you eat and the amount consumed that matters. Fats are necessary to the building and the health of all cells. Healthy fat aids the function of the brain, metabolism, hormones, lungs, eyes, digestion, immune system and the heart. Healthy fat eases inflammation. Low fat diets are often high in refined carbohydrates, salt and sugar and low in fiber.
Polyunsaturated Fats are liquid at room temperature and when cooled. These include sunflower, corn, soy and flax seed oils and walnuts, peanut butter, algae, leafy greens, bananas, seafood, hemp seed and oil, flax seeds and fish. These fats have low amounts of triglycerides and help to ease inflammation and protect against cardiovascular disease. Omega 3 essential fatty acid is a polyunsaturated fat and is essential (cannot be made by the body) to our health and rich supplies are available in a natural, whole food diet.
Saturated Fats are solid at room temperature. This includes meat, dairy, lard and tropical oils such as palm and coconut oil and products made with these fats. Poultry and fish contain less saturated fat than meat. Saturated fat raises LDL cholesterol. It is not necessary to consume any of these fats because the body can make the saturated fat that it needs from healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Ghee and coconut oil are healthy saturated fats.
For a daily 2000 calorie diet the total amount of fat intake should not exceed 20 - 35% of calorie intake. Limit saturated fat to a maximum of 10% of calories, trans fats to 1% and limit cholesterol intake to a maximum of 300 mg/ day. When reading labels look for 6g of fat or less.
- Dress your own salad; start with a simple recipe of two parts olive oil to one part fresh lemon
juice, then add crushed garlic, seasoning, grainy Dijon mustard and herbs or fresh ginger and sesame oil. Avoid bottled dressings. - Butter (with 0 grams of trans fat/ and no hydrogenated oil) is a better choice than margarine; use moderately
- Reduce meat and high fat dairy.
- Replace meat with beans and legumes.
- Plant sources of healthy fats come with health benefits - animal and dairy fat come with health risks
- When eating out, ask what type of oil your food is being cooked in; avoid partially hydrogenated oils.
Essential Fatty Acids are super healthy fats that control blood clotting, build cell membranes and aid cellular function, are building blocks of DNA, reduce bad cholesterol, blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease, liver cancer, depression and dementia. There are two main types of essential fatty acids: Omega 3 is Alphalinolenic Acid, Omega 6 is GLA: Gamma Linolenic Acid. Originally they were called vitamin F.
Essential fatty acids reduce and prevent inflammation, arthritis, psoriasis, heart attacks and asthma. The best natural food sources include: fish (especially cold water fatty fish such as salmon, herring, anchovies, sardines, cod, mackerel, tuna and trout), shellfish, seafood, flax seed, hemp oil, soya, canola (rapeseed), C
The recommended ratio is 2 to 1 Omega 6 to Omega 3. The current North American ratio is 10 - 20 Omega 6 to 1 Omega 3. Too much Omega 6 and too little Omega 3 causes blood clots, constricts arteries, increase the risk of heart attack, cancer, weight gain, increased blood sugar and insulin levels and aggravates inflammation, arthritis and psoriasis.
If you are taking a supplement, the recommended dose is 500 mg/ day or 1- 3 g EPA/DHA. Make sure it is a dependable supply that is mercury-free, pharmaceutical grade, molecularily distilled - and check the expiry date! Store in refrigerator.
Omega 3 essential fatty acid reduce prostate tumour growth and the risk of breast cancer. It is made of three components: Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA), Eicosapentalnoic Acid (EPA), and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). A 3 to 2 ratio of EPA to DHA is recommended.
Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid - click to expand
Antioxidant Phenolic Phytochemicals
Without oxygen, most life on earth would cease to exist, but oxygen can also damage cells by the release of oxygen free radicals, called oxidation, that are a normal part of the cellular process or by abnormal internal and external environmental pollution or disease, synthetic medications and hormones or radiation (from mobile phones, TV's, computers or irradiated food). Acidosis also contribute to the release of oxygen free radicals. Antioxidants protect cells from oxidation that can damage our structural DNA and lead to premature aging and cancer.
Phytochemicals are the bioactive non-nutrient compounds found in plants. They are responsible for the bright reds and blues of fruit, berries and vegetables and for their flavour . The most important class of phytochemicals in plant food sources is the group of phenolic compounds. There are two main groups of phenolic compounds: Polyphenols found in berries, fruit, vegetables, nuts, tea (especially green, red and white tea, which is unoxidized like black tea), cereal, whole grains, legumes, wine, chocolate, cloves, cinnamon, oregano and other herbs, herbal teas and olive oil. Flavanoids are found in brightly coloured fruits, berries and vegetables.
for more information about Antioxidants
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